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    Type 2036 - Robolux multiway diaphragm valve, pneumatically operated

    Product Image Type 2036

    The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.

    Please consider the technical attributes and Data Sheets.

    Type Description

    This multi-way diaphragm valve is designed to control high purity, sterile, aseptic, steam and CIP media. The Robolux system enables an extremely compact, space-saving design and is based on the patented Robolux 2-weir technology, where a diaphragm covers two valve weirs in one valve. Thanks to the individual design, valve combinations with minimal dead spaces can be realised in the smallest of spaces. The valve housing is machined from a stainless steel block. The valve actuator contains two independently operating actuators in a stainless steel housing and is operated with compressed air. With the special feedback indicators and control heads, the Robolux system can be perfectly integrated into the decentralized Bürkert automation concept.

    • Extremely compact and space-saving design
    • Reduced installation costs
    • Reduced number of valves and welds

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 2036 data sheet | pneumatically operated Robolux multiway diaphragm valve 1.4 MB EN / EU
    DTS Type 8685 | 8686 data sheet |control/feedback head for integr. mounting on Robolux valves 1.1 MB EN / EU
    DTS データシート | タイプ 2036 |Robolux 多方ダイヤフラムバルブ、空圧作動式 3 MB JA / JP
    DTS Typ 2036 Datenblatt | pneumatisch betätigtes Robolux-Mehrwege-Membranventil 1.4 MB DE / DE
    DTS Typ 8685 | 8686 Datenblatt | Steuer-/Rückmeldekopf für Robolux-Mehrwege-Membranventile 1.1 MB DE / DE
    DTS 数据表 | 2036 型 | Robolux 多通道组合隔膜阀,气动操作 2.2 MB ZH / CN

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Additional information | PX51for use in the potentially explosive area Category 2 931.9 kB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2036 | Robolux multiple-way diaphragm valve 3.5 MB EN / EU
    MAN Informations supplémentaires | PX51 pour les zones présentant des risques d'explosion cat2 931.8 kB FR / FR
    MAN Zusatzinformation | PX51 für den Einsatz im explosionsgefährdeten Bereich Kategorie 2 931.9 kB DE / DE
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 2036 | Robolux Mehrwege-Membranventil 3.5 MB DE / DE
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 2036 | Vanne à membrane multivoies Robolux 3.5 MB FR / FR

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm AD 120.7 kB EN,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm ER 120.1 kB EN,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 1.8 MB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Manufacturer declaration 220.6 kB EN
    ABD MDec|Food Diaphragm-EK_FDA_USP 949.3 kB ML
    ABD MDec|Oxygen Declaration 2030ff 968 kB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 0262 EPS 18 ATEX 2 008 X 796.8 kB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 0262 EPS 18.0007 X 1.1 MB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Déclaration du fabricant 30.9 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance RoHS-Herstellererklärung 651.5 kB DE

    Flyers and Catalogues

    Language / Country
    MISC Product Overview Process and Control Valves    3.3 MB EN / EU
    MISC Block and Tank Valve Solutions for pharmaceutical applications 14.3 MB EN / EU
    MISC Media separation with Robolux Multiway Diaphragm Valve Type 2036 1.2 MB EN / EU


    Language / Country
    video Application video chromatography 13.4 MB EN / EU
    video Highlight Animation Robolux 5.4 MB EN / EU
    video Hygienic Valve Solutions 24.1 MB EN / GB
    video Applikations Video Chromatographie 13.4 MB DE / DE
    video Highlight Animation Robolux 5.4 MB DE / DE
    video La Chromatographie avec Robolux - FR 13.6 MB FR / FR