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EtherNet/IP: The standard protocol for communication in industrial networks

EtherNet/IP is a widely used Ethernet-based fieldbus for implementing standard Ethernet technology in industrial automation. But what is EtherNet/IP exactly? How does it work? And which advantages does EtherNet/IP offer?

EtherNet/IP offers you the following advantages:

  • Simultaneous control, configuration and collection of data in a network
  • Compatibility with the Ethernet protocol
  • High transmission speed

The fundamentals of EtherNet/IP 

A standardised, compatible network

EtherNet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) is an open fieldbus standard based on CIP (Common Industrial Protocol), developed by Rockwell Automation and ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) and mainly used in automation technology. Both the conformity and compatibility of devices that utilise this protocol are certified by ODVA.

Why EtherNet/IP is the right choice for automating your plant:

EtherNet/IP is an industrial Ethernet communication protocol for automation applications. It differs from other Ethernet-based communication standards in terms of the way it implements the CIP application and the TCP/IP communication model.
EtherNet/IP supports Ethernet, Internet protocol and TCP or UDP (User Datagram Protocol). This enables compatibility with all the devices that use these protocols. This compatibility with established protocols allows perfect integration of EtherNet/IP in networks and enables continuity between an office network and the plant being controlled. EtherNet/IP technology thus helps you to control and configure your devices and collect data at the same time.

Structure of the communication protocol

EtherNet/IP can become real-time capable in conjunction with UDP, thus ensuring faster data transmission. CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) networks follow the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, which defines the general conditions for implementing network protocols in seven layers, each with narrowly defined tasks. The layers are defined as follows:

• Physical

• Data Link

• Network

• Transport

• Session

• Presentation

• Application

In EtherNet/IP, the lower layers of the OSI reference model are adopted by Ethernet using the physical, network and transport functions.

Data transmission and topology of EtherNet/IP

For data exchange between the individual network participants, EtherNet/IP supports the provider-consumer principle. This procedure allows efficient use of the entire bandwidth. The source and destination of a sent data object can be determined via the MAC address of a device. The individual network participants use the specified MAC address to determine whether the contents of a sent data packet are relevant to them.  
By conforming to IEEE Ethernet standards, EtherNet/IP offers users a wide range of transmission speeds (e.g. 10, 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps). In addition, it offers users a flexible network architecture that is compatible with commercially available Ethernet installation options, such as copper, optical fibre or optical fibre ring as well as wireless.  
EtherNet/IP offers various topologies, including a conventional star and standard Ethernet infrastructure component or a ring topology at device level. With the ring topology, the "DLR" (Device Level Ring) protocol can be used to prevent a total network failure, e.g. due to a cable break or failure of a participant. The DLR functionality therefore enables communication within the network to be maintained.

Positioner Type 8792
Type 8792 - digital electropneumatic positioner: Positioner SideControl. Discover more about Type 8792.
Positioner Type 8692
Type 8692 - digital electropneumatic positioner for the integrated mounting on process control valves. Discover more about Type 8692.
FLOWave Type 8098
Type 8098 - FLOWave SAW flowmeter. Discover more about FLOWave Type 8098.
Office network
EtherNet/IP technology enables you to control and configure your devices and collect data at the same time.

Our Bürkert expertise

We have been a reliable industry partner for many years and offer you high-quality technology solutions. To best support the automation of your plant, many of our products and systems are compatible with the EtherNet/IP communication protocol and certified by ODVA.
An essential component of state-of-the-art automation concepts is digital communication, especially the use of standard communication protocols. We have been taking this into account for many years when developing our products and systems, thereby ensuring you can integrate our products and systems into your plants quickly and easily.

Application examples with EtherNet/IP

Bürkert products with EtherNet/IP are generally used in process automation for controlling and regulating media (gases, liquids), but are also being used increasingly in other areas:

• Supply of fuel gases

• Processing plants for food production as well as in the beverage industry and dairies

• Automation and control for water/waste water treatment

Our positioners and process controllers with EtherNet/IP

Type 8692

Digital electro-pneumatic positioner for integrated mounting on process control valves

Type 8692
  • Compact and robust stainless steel design
  • Easy start-up with automatic X-Tune function
  • Contact-free position sensor
  • Integrated pilot air duct with spring chamber aeration
  • EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP, PROFIBUS DP-V1 or Bürkert system bus (büS)

Type 8693

Digital electropneumatic process controller for integrated mounting on process control valves

Type 8693
  • Compact and robust stainless steel design
  • Easy start-up via Tune function for position and process controller
  • Contact-free position sensor
  • Integrated pilot air duct with spring chamber aeration
  • PROFIBUS DP-V1, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP or büS (Bürkert System Bus)

Type 8792

Digital electropneumatic positioner SideCONTROL

Type 8792
  • Compact and robust design
  • Easy to start up using X.TUNE function
  • Integrated diagnostic functions for valve monitoring
  • Dynamic actuating system with no air consumption in controlled state
  • EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP, PROFIBUS DP-V1 or Bürkert system bus (büS)

Type 8793

Digital electropneumatic Process Controller SideCONTROL

Type 8793
  • Compact and robust design
  • Start-up via the X.TUNE and P.TUNE function of the positioner and process controller
  • Integrated diagnostic functions for valve monitoring
  • Dynamic actuating system with no air consumption in controlled state
  • EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP, PROFIBUS DP-V1 or Bürkert system bus (büS)