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Ten scholars of the Christian Bürkert Stiftung visit the Bürkert Campus Criesbach

The first Scholarship Day on 3 April 2019 saw ten students sponsored by the Christian Bürkert Stiftung receive exclusive insights into Bürkert’s day-to-day operations -– a combination of theory and practice that will hopefully be remembered for a long time to come.

The Christian Bürkert Stiftung has set itself the task of promoting young people who distinguish themselves through their professional ability, sense of responsibility and dynamism and who are personally committed to working in the interests of the general good. Each year scholarships are awarded to such individuals. The first Scholarship Day was held at the Bürkert Campus in Criesbach on 3 April 2019 to give young talented people an insight into everyday working life at Bürkert. The scholars of the Bürkert Stiftung from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Technical University of Munich and international students from the University of Waterloo in Canada, who are currently working on a research project at KIT for one semester, were invited to attend.

A day that combines theory and practice
After enjoying a joint lunch, the participants were officially welcomed to the event by Bürkert Human Resources Manager Meike Querengässer and Dr. Nikolai Gauss from the Christian Bürkert Stiftung. Then it was the turn of the scholars: During a short ice-breaker, the guests discussed, for example, their special interests which led to their scholarships. The scholars also exchanged their expectations regarding their professional careers and their future employer. During the following presentation, the divisional managers Stefan Müller (R&D) and Peter Groß (Systemhaus) gave exclusive insights into current research and development projects and the Bürkert Systemhaus, where customer-specific solutions are developed. And what does this look like in practice? During a guided tour of the company, the young professionals were then able to get a glimpse of the projects currently underway and exchange ideas with the colleagues on site.

The Christian Bürkert Stiftung
The special aim of the Christian Bürkert Stiftung is to promote young people who distinguish themselves through their professional ability, sense of responsibility and dynamism and who are personally committed to working in the interests of the general good, as well as to help them engage in other charitable tasks. The foundation is primarily a grant-making foundation, but it also has the opportunity to become directly involved.